Thursday, November 1, 2012

Life Cycle of an Engineer...

What Engineering taught me? 

1. I learnt to use 3 High End Software:
* Microsoft Word
* Microsoft Excel
* Microsoft PowerPoint

2. I used 3 great short cuts:-
* Ctrl+C
* Ctrl+V
* Ctrl+X

3. I learnt to say three very imp words for life:-
* Yes sir
* Ok sir
* I'll Just Do That sir.

4.Flocking areas:-

*Boom area- Chai, sutta points & Canteens.

*College front & back gates.

*Foto-copy centres before exams.

5. When I really wanted to study, I learnt to: -
* Wake Up late
* Sleep early
* Continue to continue to watch series/play games

6. I learnt to: -
* Face Monday
* Fight For 5 Days
* Wait For the Weekend

7. Love:-

*Facebook, the Bible.

*After college the romantic meet up.
*Looking for new chicks from 1st year like HAWKS.

I learnt to give reasons to family frnds and relatives for not making

* Phone Calls
* Messages
* Mails

8. I learnt to celebrate these things far away from loved ones:-
* Birthday
* Diwali
* Holi

9. In last 4 years, People say:-
* You made friends for a lifetime..
* You lived a life which was out of the world...
* You Enjoyed...

10. But when I compare me with my self...
* I just Sustained...
* I just Tolerated...
* I just Survived...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Free India

Good Morning free INDIA... at least by the looks of d tri-colours being sold on various places.. The question are we really free??? Are we free from corruption?? 65 years gone, while people might get dazzled by the near perfect heavenly life of the big cities..somewhere down the line..the other parts of the country is cared for.. the question is we are being RULED n not governed though the constitution so designed that there are millions of loopholes and INDIANS are somewhat dishonest than most people from  developed nations...So time for us to stand up against dishonest may sound easy but really INDIA IS A COUNTRY FILLED WITH DISHONEST PEOPLE n its a truth however harsh it might sound..Frenz lets take an oath from today to be honest!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tears in the Wind...

I dissolve my heart in those little tear drops

And scatter them in the wind, hoping...

That when you breathe, they would become one

With your heart, that which I long to be mine..

I will not search for the lost drops.. for they

Along with all the unspoken words,

Would find their place...

In the unwritten story of my love…

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pranab da, Kalam Sir or Inflation and Petro hike..

Once again proved Indians are fools.... Entire nation is fighting over d next president...
Can I ask what effective role does a Presi hv in Indian constituiion????
Nice way to divert fools from the topic of Inflation..Fuel price hike..
Everyone has forgotten that our economy is crying and still we are more interested in moronic drama created by Mamata Banerjee. Why cant we seriously look into the economic crisis in the country....???
Someone rightly had said.. India is a country full of sheeps!!!
#wakeup Indians.